We offer vaginal rejuvenation in Los Angeles using advanced technology. This technology offers new hope to women who are suffering from a laxness in the labia and vagina due to age or childbirth. This system is called ThermiVa.

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About ThermiVa

ThermiVa is a non-surgical procedure, with no scarring, pain, or side effects that are common in surgical solutions for this condition. Not only does the process assist in restoring the flexibility and tightness of the outer lips and the vagina, it has been proven to assist in issues such as bladder leakage – common in older women and mothers. The process involves the insertion of a wand inside the vagina to access the inner tissue. After this is completed, the outer lips can be treated. The results of this process are truly remarkable, according to patient reports.

Restoring Vaginal Tissue Without Surgery

The ThermiVa vaginal rejuvenation in Beverly Hills takes only a few minutes to complete, is painless, and to date, has a success rate higher than 95 percent. The process can be employed as early as six weeks after childbirth and between pregnancies, so there is no need to wait until you are done having children to restore and rejuvenate your vagina and labia.

One important side benefit of these treatments as it often increases the ability to achieve orgasm, reduces vaginal dryness by increasing natural moisture, and reduces any chafing, itching or the recurrence of infections associated with these conditions. You can find out more about ThermiVa by reaching out to the professionals at our clinic. We help women of all ages, from young mothers to those who are suffering from vaginal dryness or other condition later in life.

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