If you have attempted to get rid of unwanted fat through diet and exercise, you have likely struggled with certain areas, such as abdomen, thighs, buttocks, upper arms, or back fat. Our Beverly Hills CoolSculpting procedure uses technology that makes it possible to get rid of these unwanted fat deposits forever – without invasive surgery.

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State-of-the-art Body Sculpting Technology

Cryolipolysis (killing fat cells by controlled cooling) is one of the most recently released, advanced methods for fat reduction. CoolSculpting technology gives people the opportunity to improve on nature, and create a fitter, firmer body, without unsightly fat. This technology allows specifically targeted areas of fat to be removed forever.

FDA Approved Treatment: CoolSculpting

Cryolipolysis is the science behind the revolutionary process known exclusively as CoolSculpting. CoolSculpting is the only FDA-approved treatment for fat deposits under the chin, on thighs, abdomen and flanks, as well as for back fat, upper arms and under the buttocks. It is a non-surgical fat reduction treatment that employs scientifically-controlled cooling to target and remove fat cells. CoolSculpting is one of the most advanced forms of non-invasive body contouring available, and we strive to deliver the best CoolSculpting Los Angeles & Beverly Hills can offer.

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What is Coolsculpting?

CoolSculpting has been the subject of years of research and testing in the development of a process that targets fat cells without damaging surrounding tissue. It safely delivers precision temperatures to gently reduce fat cells.

The cells are crystallized, and naturally absorbed by your body and then processed out of the body. Our Beverly Hills CoolSculpting is a safe and proven technology.

There have been over 5,500 clinical trials and to date, about four million procedures have been performed worldwide. During your CoolSculpting procedure you will recline in a comfortable chair while a small gel pad and applicator is placed on the area to be treated. A strong suction from a separate cup pulls the fat tissue beneath your skin to the CoolSculpting paddles. During your Los Angeles CoolSculpting procedure, you can relax and read, listen to music, or simply rest comfortably.

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Body Contouring: New Technology Brings Better Results

For many years, body contouring has been the most in-demand cosmetic surgical procedure performed in the USA.

As an effective procedure for body contouring and an alternative to liposuction, CoolSculpting offers impressive results in removing resistive fat deposits without the need for surgery.Although liposuction is an effective removal of excess adipose tissue (used for the storing of fat), it has the drawback of being an invasive procedure involving some risk. Liposuction requires incisions, and involves significant post-operative swelling.

While modern lipo treatments are generally safe and effective and may be needed in some cases, our Los Angeles CoolScupting is an effective, non-invasive alternative treatment.

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Key Points on CoolSculpting

Fat Cells: How They Function

Our bodies maintain a fixed number of fat cells as we enter adulthood. When you lose weight, fat cells reduce in size, but remain. When losing or gaining weight, the size of the fat cells shrinks or grows, but the number of cells remains constant. CoolSculpting is a procedure that effectively reduces fat cells in treated areas by about 20% to 25%.

Does CoolSculpting Produce Results Like Liposuction?

A two-year study involving 528 patients concluded that when the treatment plan is correct and the procedure applied by a skilled professional, with multiple treatments when necessary, cryolipolysis produces results comparable to liposuction. When considering the additional discomfort and recovery time associated with liposuction, it is easy to see how CoolSculpting has now become one of the most popular body sculpting treatments available.

How Long is Each Treatment?

Each treatment can last from 35 to 60 minutes, and more than one treatment can be performed in one appointment. The Los Angeles CoolSculpting professional that's treating you at NassifMD® MedSpa will establish a custom- tailored treatment plan to help you reduce fat cells, and begin your journey to a slimmer, more sculpted body.

Coolsculpting: The Procedure

Over the first few minutes of your Los Angeles CoolSculpting treatment you will feel intense cold. However, your body quickly numbs and the sensation disappears. The applicator applies suction, and you will experience a pulling sensation which is not unpleasant. Afterwards there may be some tingling as we massage the treated area. Most patients find it easy to relax and read, listen to music, or simply rest during the procedure.

How Soon Will I See Results?

Because of the cycle of fat cell freezing, cell death, cell disintegration, and your metabolism, results can take up to three weeks or more to begin to show. The most significant results should show after two to three months, and your body will continue to process the targeted fat cells for up to six months. The results are often truly remarkable.

What if I gain weight After Coolsculpting?

Most patients find a new motivation to maintain an active, healthy lifestyle now that the unwanted fat has been reduced. The aesthetic effect of CoolSculpting is a great inspiration to maintain an ideal weight through a healthy diet and a regular exercise program. However, if you do gain weight after CoolSculpting, the fat will typically be more evenly distributed over your body, rather than collecting in the treated areas. The fat cannot collect in the area, as the number of fat cells has been reduced through the treatment.

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What is the Cost of Coolsculpting?

The cost of CoolSculpting in Beverly Hills ranges from $500 to $5,000 per treatment, with the average cost being around $2,075 per treatment. The amount of treatment sessions needed is ascertained by the size of the fat and the degree of reduction desired.

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NassifMD® MedSpa Experience Matters in Body Sculpting

At NassifMD® MedSpa in Beverly Hills, we have helped hundreds of people achieve the trim, sculpted body they wanted without invasive surgery and downtime, and we highly recommend CoolSculpting as a revolutionary new way to rid yourself of resistant body fat. Your results depend upon more than just the CoolSculpting process: the professionalism and experience of the clinician who performs the procedure is a critical point in the results of the procedure. Our Medspa is known for holding to the highest standards and safety, and for having an outstanding team of hand-picked staff. Overseen by renowned facial plastic surgeon Dr. Nassif, your treatment will be managed with care and attention to detail from start to finish.

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