Rejuvenate yourself with our expert facial treatments

Skincare treatments are a universal necessity for all individuals who want to look their best. The pursuit of clearer, healthier, and youthful-looking skin transcends age and gender. One constant in the world of cosmetics is facials. These non-invasive, customizable treatments have been a staple in the world of skincare for decades, offering a wide array of benefits for patients of all skin types. 

Dr. Nassif has years of experience in performing facial treatments, helping countless patients achieve their aesthetic goals in a timely and efficient manner. 

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What is Hydrafacial?

Facials, often referred to as the "go-to skincare treatment," offer a comprehensive and non-surgical approach to rejuvenate and revitalize your skin. These treatments provide a harmonious blend of exfoliation, extraction, hydration, and skin protection, ensuring that your skin is not only cleansed but also pampered.

The facial experience begins with a gentle exfoliation, meticulously removing the outer layer of dead skin cells and priming your skin for the subsequent phases. Following this, a specialized extraction process purges impurities, dirt, and excess oil from your pores, leaving your skin feeling refreshed. The final touch is a deep infusion of tailor-made serums, enriched with revitalizing antioxidants, peptides, and hyaluronic acid.

What makes facials stand out is their consistency and immediate results, leaving your skin visibly renewed, glowing, and well-hydrated. Furthermore, these treatments are incredibly versatile and cater to all skin types, making them the ideal choice to address a diverse range of skincare needs. Whether you have dry, sensitive, or oily skin, facials can help you achieve your desired skin goals.

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Our facial options


A HydraFacial is a popular, non-invasive skincare treatment that offers a multi-step approach to skin rejuvenation. It combines exfoliation, extraction, hydration, and protection to deliver immediate and visible results. Our HydraFacial treatments are celebrated for their ability to cleanse, nourish, and revitalize the skin, leaving it refreshed and radiant.

Our Hydrafacials come in Basic + Booster Deluxe versions. 

Other facial options

  • Signature NassifMD Facial: HydraFacial Deluxe + NassifMD Hydraglucan Intense and Hydration Booster
  • Red Carpet Facial: HydraFacial + Booster, Dermaplane, Lymphatic Drainage, Hot Towel, LED Therapy
  • Keravive Hair Facial: Revives and exfoliates the scalp and hair follicles
  • Brightening Facial: HydraFacial + Dermaplane

What are the benefits of facials?

Facial treatments are cherished by patients for their wide array of benefits. Some of the most notable ones include:

  • Eliminate dead skin cells during the exfoliation phase, leaving the skin with a smoother and more even texture
  • Cleanse the pores during the extraction phase, removing impurities and blackheads and reducing the chances of acne breakouts
  • Help to hydrate the skin, giving it a radiant and healthy glow
  • Contain powerful antioxidants and peptides, which can aid in reducing fine lines and wrinkles, making the skin appear more youthful
  • Can be customized to address specific skin concerns, allowing it to cater to a wide range of needs

Who is a candidate for facials?

Facials are known for their inclusivity. They are versatile and can benefit a wide range of individuals. Whether you're looking to ward off acne or stop signs of aging from developing early on, facial treatments can be tailored to your specific needs.

Candidates include:

  • Patients of all ages: Facials are suitable for everyone, from teenagers grappling with acne to mature adults seeking to combat signs of aging.
  • Those with various skin types: The adaptable nature of facials allows them to cater to all skin types, including sensitive skin.
  • Individuals with specific concerns: Whether it's fine lines, hyperpigmentation, acne, or simply wanting healthier skin, facials can be customized to target your particular concerns.

What does the procedure entail?

Facial procedures are designed to be efficient, effective, and comfortable. Different facial versions will come with different steps, but generally they follow this pattern:


The treatment starts with a thorough cleansing of the skin, removing any makeup, oil, and dirt.


The skin is then exfoliated to eliminate dead skin cells and prepare it for the subsequent steps. 


Customized serums are then infused into your skin, providing essential nutrients, antioxidants, and hyaluronic acid for hydration.


The final step includes applying a protective serum, along with sunscreen, to shield your skin from environmental damage.

The process is quick, typically taking around 30 minutes, making it an ideal treatment to fit into even the busiest of schedules. 

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What is the recovery process like?

Facials come with the benefit of a brief recovery period, enabling patients to get back to their daily routines immediately following the treatment. While some may experience slight redness, this usually subsides within a few hours.

Are there any risks?

Facials are renowned for their safety and efficacy, making them a low-risk procedure. Nonetheless, as with any skincare treatment, there may be mild, temporary side effects like redness, minor irritation, or peeling. These effects are usually short-lived and should not deter anyone from experiencing the benefits of facials.

Why Choose NassifMD Med Spa?

Selecting the appropriate healthcare provider for your skincare requirements is a crucial decision. At NassifMD, our skilled med spa practitioners have vast experience in delivering tailored treatments and procedures to help patients achieve their desired aesthetic outcomes. Dr. Nassif himself endorses all our providers.

Dr. Paul Nassif is a renowned plastic surgeon recognized worldwide. His extensive experience and unwavering commitment to providing natural-looking results enable him to establish long-term relationships with his clients. With Dr. Nassif's and his team's guidance, patients can benefit from this treatment and feel more confident about their appearance.

Choosing NassifMD Med Spa means receiving more than just a cosmetic treatment; it's a journey towards achieving lifelong skincare objectives. Our specialized approach, proficiency, and cutting-edge facilities ensure that you experience the full potential of facial treatments.

Contact us today to book a private consultation and discover more about your treatment alternatives.

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