What is Laser Skin Resurfacing?

Laser skin resurfacing can dramatically improve a variety of skin concerns and delay the aging process. After applying a numbing cream to ensure comfort, the laser will cause small and controlled areas of injury in the skin to cause new collagen formation. The strength of the laser and subsequent recovery time is customizable for each individual. Our Medspa operations and staffing are overseen by Dr. Paul Nassif, an internationally known, double-board-certified plastic surgeon. In our hands, you can expect the highest caliber of professional treatment with laser skin resurfacing in Beverly Hills.

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How Does Laser Skin Resurfacing Work?

Under the top layer of the skin, called the epidermis, is the two-layered dermis, constructed of collagen—long fibers that provide structure and elasticity. When this layer is damaged, scars, sun damage, and wrinkles begin to appear.

Laser skin resurfacing smooths wrinkles caused by sun, acne, and age. High energy amplified light waves vaporize the top layer of skin instantly. At the same time, the dermis layer is heated and stimulates natural collagen production, without bleeding. The skin is treated at the cellular level so there is no damage to the surrounding skin tissue. The entire procedure is quick and often takes mere minutes to complete.

    What are the benefits of laser skin resurfacing? 

    Laser skin resurfacing provides a range of benefits for patients who want to renew and refresh their skin. Benefits include the following:

    • Minimizes wrinkles and fine lines
    • Reduces and eliminates broken blood vessels, age spots and blemishes 
    • Improves the appearance of enlarged pores and acne scars
    • Improves the appearance of surgical scars
    • Corrects redness and inflammation
    • Helps even out skin tone and reduce discoloration
    • Triggers the production of new collagen 
    • Tightens and firms the skin
    • Helps even out skin tone and reduce discoloration
    • Achieves a more youthful, glowing, radiant appearance
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    Are You a Candidate for Laser Skin Resurfacing?

    While there are several advanced treatments to create a more youthful skin condition and texture, laser skin resurfacing may bring the most dramatic results. Patients with the following skin issues that may be a candidate for laser skin resurfacing in Los Angeles:

    • Facial wrinkles
    • Sun damaged skin
    • Brown spots
    • Blotchy skin coloring
    • Scars from acne or chickenpox
    • Non-responsive skin after a facelift
    • Yellow or grey skin tones
    • Birthmarks
    • Enlarged nose pores

    At NassifMD® MedSpa, the consultation process involves a full evaluation of your skin and overall health. Your skin type, pigmentation issues, age, sun exposure damage, the depth of imperfections as well as other factors will be reviewed so the proper treatment plan is developed – with the goal of achieving the results you envision.

    Laser skin resurfacing often brings the most dramatic changes in skin texture, tone, resiliency and smoothness.

    Your treatment plan may involve a combination of treatments, based upon the current condition of your skin. Certain skin qualities, such as thinness or thickness, can influence a decision about the use of laser resurfacing.

    No matter what skin condition you are living with, we offer a range of the most advanced technologies and treatments available in the USA.

    NassifMD® MedSpa was established with the professionalism and artistry of our medical director, Dr. Paul Nassif, internationally respected leader in his field. When you come to us for a consultation for laser skin resurfacing in Beverly Hills, you will be served by a highly-trained team of professionals with a driving passion to help you achieve your personal aesthetic goals.


    After laser skin resurfacing in Los Angeles at Nassif MD Medical Spa, a dressing with special ointments will be applied to your face to keep the healing skin supple. Swelling is normal and should disappear in a day or two. After 24 hours, you will need to clean the areas treated four to five times a day, then apply an ointment to prevent the development of scabs.

    This routine continues for about a week and a half. Post-procedure redness is common and gradually fades over two to three months. In a few weeks, you should see new skin that is fresh and pink, with reduced signs of lines and wrinkles.

    The pink hue eventually fades and you may notice that your skin is lighter in tone for a period. It is important that you protect your skin during this time. Use a broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF factor of 30 or higher.

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    Why choose NassifMD Medical Spa for laser skin resurfacing? 

    Our practitioners are experts in laser resurfacing and use the most advanced technology. We offer a wide range of treatment modalities to achieve maximum results both non-surgically and post-operatively. We also specialize in medical-grade skincare and offer a variety of aesthetic services for those not ready for laser resurfacing, including chemical peels, microneedling, dermaplaning and more.

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