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This can restore structure, firmness, and increase volume lost in the natural aging process. At NassifMD® MedSpa, founder Paul Nassif, world-renowned facial plastic surgeon, has chosen this product to offer to clients throughout the Los Angeles area and beyond.

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Collagen: It Matters.

Collagen is an abundant protein naturally occurring in the human body, and essentially works to hold it together, providing structure and strength. As we age, our bodies produce less and less collagen, which is first evident on the facial skin. As the quantity of collagen fibers decrease, typically starting in the 20’s, the skin loses its firm quality, with sagging skin, wrinkles, lines, and creases starting to appear. Sculptra triggers the treated area to produce more natural collagen. The fibrous structure of collagen provides structure and support to the facial skin, maintains shape, and assists in the work of elastin and hyaluronic acid, keeping skin flexible and hydrated.

Impressive Results with Sculptra Treatments

If you are tired of looking fatigued, older, or your facial skin is beginning to lose the firm, plump look it had in earlier years, Sculptra can produce impressive changes. The treatment regimen is usually three sessions over a three to four-month period, with results lasting up to two years for most clients. Sculptra treatments can help improve the appearance of:

  • Wrinkles, lines, and creases
  • Nasolabial folds (lines from nose to sides of mouth)
  • Facial areas with lost volume
  • Sunken areas due to fat loss and thinning skin
  • Hollow cheeks
  • Laugh lines
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Restore and Rejuvenate Facial Skin with Sculptra Treatments

Young facial skin appears and feels plump, flexible, and firm. If you are struggling with aging facial skin, you now have the opportunity to get an advanced treatment that produces results above and beyond what most dermal fillers achieve. Sculptra is safe, biocompatible, and does not require skin testing. The treatment takes only a few minutes to perform. Clients who have deep folds that cannot be successfully treated with typical facial fillers now have a product that can restore and rejuvenate deep hollows, creases, and lines effectively.

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The Sculptra Difference

Sculptra is made of PLLA (poly-L-lactic acid). This acid stimulates the body to produce natural collagen – the ultimate filler. As this acid is non-toxic and biodegradable, and has been in use for decades in dissolving sutures (stitches), it is safe, and FDA-approved. One important difference in Sculptra is that the results appear over several weeks, rather than producing the immediate plumping effect with most dermal fillers. Within four to six weeks, the full effect is revealed, with fresher, plumper, younger-looking skin.

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Lasting Results

Other dermal fillers are liquids or gels, made from hyaluronic acid or animal-sourced collagen that has been purified for cosmetic use. These fillers can fill the spaces, plumping the skin in the target area. While such products are popular, they require ongoing treatments (typically every few months) to maintain the look. Sculptra results have the incredible benefit of being longer-lasting – about two years before another treatment (or touchup) is necessary.

Sculptura - Before and After

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