Thankfully, modern technology has led to new options in treating hair loss. At NassifMD® MedSpa, we use a process called NeoGraft, a modern innovation that has set a new standard for results. It is important that hair loss treatment is effective, and leads to natural-looking and aesthetically pleasing results.

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Mircroneedling with PRP for Hair Loss

Microneedling is commonly used for facial rejuvenation, but it can also be used to treat hair loss in men and women. A small roller with tiny needles is used to create tiny injuries prompting your body to heal itself. When used with PRP, microneedling can further accelerate hair growth.

How PRP Works

PRP or Platelet Rich Plasma is created from ones own blood. You would have a small amount of your blood drawn, and the plasma is separated from the rest of your blood to isolate the healing properties of your platelets. Then the concentrate is injected back into your scalp to promote hair growth.

NeoGraft Hair Restoration: A Better Process

In hair restoration, FUE (follicular unit extraction) is employed. This type of hair restoration is above and beyond earlier techniques in effectiveness, and is minimally invasive for improved safety. FUE is the most advanced technology on the market for hair restoration; we are proud to offer this service to our clients at NassifMD® MedSpa in Beverly Hills.

How NeoGraft Hair Restoration Works

The process we use in hair restoration is automated for higher accuracy and speed. The time involved is far less than in older style hair restoration technology, and has a much higher degree of patient comfort. This process has minimal discomfort, and does not involve the use of stapes, sutures or scalpels, does not leave linear scars, and has a quicker recovery and healing.

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Woman with long strawberry blonde hair

What Hair Restoration Method is Right for Me?

If you have balding areas, finding the right hair restoration technique is an important decision. At NassifMD® MedSpa, we are dedicated to providing our clients with the most advanced treatments, and we believe NeoGraft to be far superior to older methods. We can repair any botched hair transplants as part of our treatment, as many people were left with unnatural looking results. Take advantage of our skills, knowhow, and commitment to achieving the results our clients expect.

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