The first step is a consultation to evaluate your specific condition, as each person has a unique case. This evaluation typically includes an ultrasound of the area to determine what treatment will be most effective. We provide various solutions, and your procedure could involve just one or a combination of the following treatments:

  • Sclerotherapy: The injection of a specially-formulated solution into the vein that causes it to close. The procedure will vary in length of time to complete, based upon how many spider veins are present on your legs.
  • Laser Treatment: The focused beams of light emitted by a laser are effective in treating those veins just below the surface of the skin, while larger varicose veins will require a different procedure involving inserting a laser fiber into deeper veins. It may require more than one session to fully resolve a severe case of varicose veins.
  • Surgery: Some more severe cases may require surgery to resolve.

Custom Treatment for Spider Vein Removal

At NassifMD® MedSpa, we offer our patients a range of treatments for spider vein removal. We understand how limiting spider veins can be to the type of clothing options you can wear, and it gives us great pleasure to help our patients resolve this problem. We can give them back the freedom to show off their legs, now clear and free from visible spider veins, while restoring normal blood flow that may have been inhibited by the presence of these veins. The procedures are typically easily tolerated, with very few potential side effects.

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