Our Beverly Hills Skinfinity treatments are fast, due to their patented In-Motion technology and a design that employs a roller tip to deliver pinpoint RF (radiofrequency) through special electrodes. With this application method, the Skinfinity RF roller tip glides smoothly and comfortably over your skin, delivering a precise and highly accurate level of energy.

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Skinfinity Advantages

Skinfinity creates microscopic thermal injuries with Directed Radiofrequency Ablation (DFRA). This technology targets specific areas, while leaving the surrounding tissues unharmed. Impressive results can be achieved without a long recovery or downtime. Healing is rapid, transforming and rejuvenating the quality and condition of the treated skin. A session with Skinfinity RF can combat the appearance of aging and correct skin flaws quickly and effectively.

While you will see visible results immediately after your Los Angeles Skinfinity treatment, the full benefits will continue to develop for approximately six months. Depending upon the specific skin problems being treated, you may require a series of treatments, each one about four to six weeks apart.

Skinfinity RF or Fractional CO2 Laser?

While Skinfinity RF and Fractional CO2 Laser treatments are similar, Skinfinity does not target the chromophore (color-bearing elements), and the specialized radiofrequency allows the treatment to be used on a wider range of skin types, with a lower risk of complications. Skinfinity treatments apply less energy into the skin tissue than a fractional CO2 laser and are therefore recommended for the more moderate skin flaws. It is typically appropriate for younger clients.

What Skin Issues Does Skinfinity Treat?

Skinfinity’s patented In-Motion tip with pyramid-shaped electrodes has been developed to deliver a consistent level of energy across the treated area. The system is highly flexible, offering a variable phase filter for superior customization for each client. The delivery system offers powerful benefits, including a faster healing response, as well as triggering natural collagen production. The treatment can resolve the following skin problems:

  • Fine lines
  • Wrinkles
  • Creases
  • Stretch marks
  • Acne scars
  • Non-keloidal hypertrophic scars (excessive collagen leaving a raised scar)
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What is a Skinfinity Treatment Like?

Because of the Skinfinity In-Motion technology, treatment times are short. Expect it to take about an hour, depending on what area needs to be restored and revitalized. The treatment involves little discomfort. If you are getting a deep treatment you may experience the sensation of heat. Most people feel a tingling sensation, due to the micro-ablation tissue damage caused by the radiofrequency. This is normal and means the process is working. Remember, the limited tissue damage is the stimulus your body needs to heal itself.

Your skin will become more toned, tighter, and have a more youthful, fresh glow. After treatment, your skin may range from pink to bright red, which diminishes quickly. NassifMD® MedSpa in Beverly Hills is overseen by one of the most recognized and admired plastic surgeons in the world, Dr. Paul Nassif. He has not only personally-approved all treatments; he focuses on ensuring your experience meets with the highest standards of professionalism and results.

From the moment you enter NassifMD® MedSpa, you will feel confident that your treatment will be performed with the highest standards of quality, safety, and results. Any skin rejuvenation treatment must be in the hands of a highly-skilled professional – this cannot be stressed enough. Our passion is to help you achieve a fresher, more youthful appearance with the use of the most advanced technologies and treatments, including Skinfinity.

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