The skin on the neck is thinner and finer, and is one of the first areas to show the signs of aging. Restoring the skin on the neck to a tighter, firmer, healthier condition can take years off your appearance. Wrinkles, creases, and sagging skin make you look (and feel) older – but modern cosmetic technology can treat and restore the skin on the neck, as well as many other areas of the body without surgery. ThermiTight is an advanced treatment that stimulates the body’s natural collagen production and leaves you with tighter, more youthful-looking skin.

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Timeless Beauty

Collagen provides the elasticity we associate with youthful skin. As we age, the body produces less and less collagen, and the neck is often the first place for the visible signs of age to appear. At NassifMD® MedSpa, we believe in helping our clients achieve timeless beauty, and our Los Angeles ThermiTight treatments could be the answer for you.

You can expect a dramatic transformation from ThermiTight treatments. ThermiTight is a “micro-invasive” skin tightening procedure that only requires local anesthesia and a short session, usually thirty minutes to an hour. This advanced treatment was developed to restore the firm, fresh appearance of youth – with tighter, firmer skin.

How ThermiTight Works

ThermiTight applies a radiofrequency-based thermal energy, applied with a tiny probe to specific areas of the subdermal tissue layer. This directed energy gently heats the targeted areas to a carefully selected therapeutic temperature. The binding fibers of collagen are tightened, becoming more tightly adhered to the lower level of tissue -- the dermis. The advantage of the probe is that the thermal energy is directed at only the targeted areas do not pass through or damage the outer skin layers.

The probe records the temperature and allows the surgeon to monitor the treatment as it is applied to the precise levels beneath the skin’s upper layer. The temperature of the treatment stimulates the body to produce collagen. This advanced treatment, when applied by a highly-skilled professional, can produce a dramatic enhancement. Let us help you restore, rejuvenate, and revive the look of skin tissue that has begun to lose its youthful elasticity.

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ThermiTight: Enhancements for the Whole Body

This versatile system is appropriate for multiple body areas, including:

  • Neck
  • Breasts
  • Arms
  • Abdomen
  • Thighs, knees

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Are You a Candidate for ThermiTight?

You may have heard about ThermiTight, and wonder if this is the right treatment for you. Any person seeking cosmetic treatment must have a full health evaluation, though most of our clients are good candidates for ThermiTight, with some exceptions. The first step is to meet with us and let us evaluate your skin condition, and talk with you about the areas of your body that could benefit from this modern skin-tightening treatment – you may have several body areas you want to rejuvenate from the neck on down.

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How Long Does it Take to See Results?

The results of your Los Angeles ThermiTight treatment will require a few weeks to become fully visible, and improve as the months pass, with full results achieved in about three months. The treatments do not involve a long recovery or downtime. For example, for tightening the skin on the neck, it will require only about an hour or less. Longer appointments are needed for larger areas such as arms, thighs, or abdomen.

After treatment, you may experience minor swelling and tenderness which subsides in a few days. Our clients usually resume their normal daily activities immediately after treatment. With any treatment directed at tightening collagen, results take time to show. You should begin to see results in within about 4 weeks, with full results at about 3 months.

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