Intense Pulse Light (IPL) technology involves a series of three to five treatments, spaced about a month apart.

The IPL machine emits a range of light waves proven to be effective in treating various conditions, and can be adjusted to target melanin pigment cells in freckles and age spots and visible blood vessels. Each treatment will lead to immediate, visible changes that continue to improve in the months ahead.

At NassifMD® MedSpa in Beverly Hills, we adhere to the highest standards, and are committed to providing the most advanced cosmetic treatments. If you are living with an uneven skin tone, age spots, rosacea or other similar condition, our Los Angeles IPL may be the prescribed treatment to restore your skin. IPL is appropriate for light-skinned clients. Other treatments available at our clinic will be more effective for African-Americans, Greeks, Italians or other clients with darker skin tones.

How Does IPL Photofacial Work?

When you arrive for your Beverly Hills IPL photofacial, you will be given special glasses to protect your eyes, and a cool gel will be applied to the area to be treated.

A smooth hand piece is used to administer special pulses of light to the target area.

The sensation feels like a slight sting, but involves minimal discomfort. Your treatment time will vary, based upon the number of cosmetic issues to resolve, and could range from a half hour to an hour and a half. After the treatment is complete, a moisturizer with sunscreen will be applied.

You can resume using your normal skin care products directly after treatment. If you correctly care for your skin after your treatments are completed, you should be able to retain your restored look indefinitely. In most cases, a yearly maintenance treatment will aid in the long-term results.

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IPL Photofacial: What Can It Do for Me?

IPL photorejuvenation technology is effective in achieving the following results for various skin conditions and flaws:

  • Age spots
  • Uneven pigmentation
  • Sun spots
  • Sun exposure damage
  • Rosacea
  • Excessive flushing
  • Visible blood vessels

Rosacea and IPL

The appearance of rosacea can be effectively treated with IPL. If you are living with rosacea, it can be embarrassing and difficult to hide, even with the best cosmetics. The opportunity to completely resolve the appearance of rosacea brings new hope to those who suffer the condition. However, it is exceptionally important that your treatment is applied by a highly-skilled professional. The treatment area must be carefully mapped out, with a slight overlap so that the results are clear and uniform.

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How to Prepare for IPL

Because the IPL photofacial involves the application of intense light waves, you will be asked to make certain preparations prior to treatment. The goal is to ensure that your Los Angeles IPL treatment is as productive and effective as possible. To prepare, you will be required to avoid self-tanners or excessive sun exposure for two to four weeks. “Excessive sun” includes beach and pool time, laying out in the sun, or being exposed to strong rays in activities such as boating, sports, running, or other outdoor activity.

There are several medications you will likely have to discontinue a few days before each treatment: minocycline, tetracycline, doxycycline or Retin-A, to name a few of the most common. Medication changes may need to be coordinated with your doctor. To prevent bruising, you may be asked to avoid aspirin or ibuprofen for a week prior to your appointment. Note that laser treatments should not be performed during pregnancy. No safety studies have been performed, and changes in your skin color during pregnancy may work against the results that can be achieved.

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