What is SkinTyte?

With age, skin gets looser and loses its firmness. Gravity comes into the picture and can cause your skin to start sagging, on both your face and body. Using cutting-edge infrared light, SkinTyte deeply heats your skin while simultaneously cooling and protecting it. The rapid pulses of light energy stimulate a healing response in your skin, resulting in tighter, firmer skin. SkinTyte is one of the many features of the revolutionary JOULE X platform and is often used in combination with other JOULE X laser and light treatments such as BBL and ProFractional.

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What are the Benefits of SkinTyte?

SkinTyte can be used to tighten the skin on any part of your body, including areas such as the face, hands, neck, arms, abdomen, thighs and buttocks. Treatments can be tailored to different body parts, making it efficient for large skin areas as well as delicate, hard-to-treat facial areas. The versatility of this advanced system makes it possible for Dr. Nassif to rapidly and effectively treat larger areas of loose skin, including the thighs as well as the delicate skin around your eyes. Benefits of SkinTyte include:

  • Speed, safety and effectiveness
  • Minimal discomfort
  • No anesthetic needed
  • No downtime
  • Uniform, natural-looking results
  • Rejuvenate and tighten skin without using invasive surgery

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Why Choose Dr. Nassif?

NassifMD® MedSpa in Beverly Hills was opened to make nonsurgical cosmetic procedures available for anyone looking to rejuvenate their skin. Dr. Paul Nassif is a world-renowned, board-certified facial plastic surgeon with over 25 years of experience. He is known for creating exceptionally natural-looking results. As one of the most highly respected facial plastic surgeons in Beverly Hills, Dr. Nassif has a deep understanding of facial aesthetics. He is uniquely skilled in personalizing and performing non-invasive cosmetic procedures with stellar results.

Your SkinTyte Treatment

Before you start your SkinTyte treatment, Dr. Nassif will go over the procedure with you and find out what your goals for the treatment are. The number of treatments needed will depend on the current condition of your skin and what you hope to achieve. Once your personalized treatment plan is in place, your treatment will begin. Anesthetics are not usually needed, but Dr. Nassif may recommend a topical anesthetic for more sensitive areas. Treatment of the neck and face typically takes about 30 minutes. Your total treatment time will depend on the number of face and body areas treated, and whether your SkinTyte session is combined with another cosmetic treatment.

What Should I Expect after SkinTyte Treatment?

You should be able to return to work and your daily activities immediately after your SkinTyte session. You may notice some redness in the treated area, but this should only last for some minutes. Makeup can be applied immediately. As the collagen in your skin is strengthened, your skin will start to look firmer and more youthful. Results will develop gradually and will continue to improve for up to four months post-treatment.

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