Thanks to advances in medical technology, an FDA approved, minimally-invasive procedure is now available to improve the condition, with clinically proven results. At NassifMD® MedSpa, we provide Beverly Hills cellulite treatment by performing Cellfina procedures, which smooth away cellulite dimples in a one-time treatment that has beautiful, long-lasting results.

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Woman wearing a white long sleeve body suit, sitting on the ground

What Is Cellulite?

Cellulite is the dimpling often seen on the skin of the buttocks, thighs, and other areas of the body. The primary structural cause of cellulite is the connective bands of fibrous tissue woven throughout the fat in these areas, tethering the layers of the skin to the muscle tissue. These tight bands of connective tissue pull down on the skin, causing puckering and dimples.

Many more women than men struggle with cellulite. This is mainly because the structure of the collagen that forms connective tissue in women is vertical, with the appearance of a picket fence, while in men it is a cross-linked structure that is stronger and holds fat better. Another contributing factor is that estrogen levels decrease in the years approaching menopause. This decreases circulation, reducing the oxygen and nutrition flowing to the area, leading to a decrease in collagen production.

Cellfina Procedure

Before your Beverly Hills cellulite reduction procedure begins, the cellulite-dimpled treatment areas are marked. A numbing agent is applied to ensure your comfort during treatment. The targeted areas are made taut and smooth with the use of a suction stabilizer, after which a pocket-sized Cellfina handpiece is used to precisely cut through the connective bands and relax the tension and puckering of the skin.

The typical treatment takes approximately one hour to perform, and there is minimal downtime with this procedure. After treatment, you can go on about your life immediately, but you may want to take it easy for the next 24 hours.

Cellfina Results

Results are visible in as little as 3 days after your cellulite treatment in Beverly Hills, with noticeable improvement still visible after 3 years. Compared to other cellulite treatments, Cellfina has the highest patient satisfaction rate at one year after the procedure, and an even higher satisfaction rate at 2 years.

Dr. Paul Nassif is a respected and well-known double board-certified plastic surgeon with intuition, artistry, and a caring manner that sets him apart. If you are one of the many women who are unhappy with the appearance of unsightly cellulite and ready to make a change for the better, schedule a consultation at NassifMD® MedSpa to discuss a one-time Beverly Hills Cellfina treatment to improve cellulite dimpling and get long-lasting results.

Sources: Is Cellulite Forever?

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Before and after Cellfina treatment in Beverly Hills

Before and after cellulite reduction in Beverly Hills

Before and after Cellfina cellulite reduction in Los Angeles

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