Only a portion of your skin is affected, encouraging the surrounding untreated skin to heal rapidly, with the added benefit of triggering the production of new collagen.

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How Does ProFractional Work?

Using a tiny laser beam, ProFractional treats thousands of minuscule points in your skin. The surrounding skin is not affected by the laser, which triggers a healing response and stimulates the production of natural collagen.

As your skin regenerates, it has a firmer feel and a rejuvenated appearance. ProFractional benefits include:

  • Trigger new collagen growth
  • Add firmness to the skin
  • Address a wide variety of skin complaints, such as wrinkles, poor texture, uneven skin tone, hyperpigmentation and scars
  • Usable on most skin areas
  • Minimal discomfort
  • Rapid healing
  • Dramatic results
  • Minimal downtime

How Many Treatments do I Need?

Depending on your specific goals, you may need one or more treatments. Dr. Nassif can individually customize your ProFractional treatment and combine it with other procedures to achieve your desired results. Before your procedure, Dr. Nassif will go over options and ensure your treatment is tailored to your unique aesthetic goals.

Your ProFractional Treatment

Once your treatment plan is established, and you and Dr. Nassif are satisfied with the strategy to improve your skin quality, your procedure can begin.

The skin in the treatment area is cleansed and you will have safety shields in place to protect your eyes. Depending on the depth of your treatment, a numbing cream or local anesthetic will be applied.

The procedure itself takes about 15 to 30 minutes. You will hear the laser, but any discomfort is generally minimal. After Dr. Nassif has completed the laser treatment, you may experience slight heat and redness in the treated area. This after-effect does not last long and is a normal response.

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Dr. Nassif and his team provide you with aftercare recommendations to help your skin heal rapidly with minimal discomfort. It is essential to avoid sun exposure until your skin is fully healed, as it will be sensitive. To protect your skin from damage and to maintain your results we recommend that you always protect your skin from the sun. You may notice some swelling in the treated area. This is normal and should subside after a few days. Most patients are able to return to work a day or two after the procedure and their skin heals within a few days.


The real results of ProFractional come from the regeneration of natural collagen, which gives your skin a long-lasting youthful glow and smoother texture and tone. You may also notice an overall tightening effect during the first few days after your treatment.

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Why Choose Dr. Nassif?

Dr. Nassif is a board-certified surgeon with more than 25 years of experience and is known as one of the leading plastic surgeons in Beverly Hills. He is a leading authority on many plastic surgery procedures and has developed several new methods of skin rejuvenation. His surgical expertise and deep understanding of facial aesthetics make him uniquely suited to perform non-surgical procedures to unparalleled results. NassifMD® MedSpa’s luxurious Beverly Hills office specializes in rejuvenating your skin using minimally invasive procedures.

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