At NassifMD® MedSpa, we serve clients from Los Angeles, Beverly Hills, and the surrounding area with a range of cosmetic treatments and injectable products. Your non-surgical chin augmentation procedure will be custom designed specifically for you, and performed by highly-trained professionals under the supervision of our Medical Director, Dr. Paul Nassif, a world-renowned plastic surgeon who is double-board-certified in both Otolaryngology (ear, nose, and throat) and facial plastic surgery.

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How Is Non Surgical Chin Augmentation Performed?

Non-surgical chin enhancement is a safe, minimally invasive alternative to traditional chin augmentation with implants. The procedure is designed to enhance the appearance of the chin and the lower face. It involves injecting specially selected dermal fillers into precise areas of the chin to increase its width, length, or projection, using a needle or a microcannula.

Treatment is performed with topical anesthesia, and patients experience very little pain or discomfort. With a customized procedure, we have the ability to mold a person’s chin to add definition, create symmetry, and bring the chin into a more pleasing balance with the remaining facial features. 

Non-Surgical Chin Enhancement for an Aging Face

The chin is one of our most defining facial features; giving shape to the neck, as well as bringing harmony to the other facial features. As we age, the chin tends to lose volume and projection. The mandible (jawbone) becomes smaller, and fat loss can occur around the mouth and the chin. These changes can contribute to jowling and cause marionette lines, as well as thinning and wrinkling around the lips. In a non-surgical chin enhancement, injectable fillers can be placed along the chin and around the mouth to add volume and create a more youthful appearance.

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Benefits of Non-Surgical Chin Augmentation

Non-surgical chin augmentation has many benefits and can provide important advantages over traditional chin augmentation with implants:

  • Safe, minimally invasive procedure
  • Visible results immediately
  • Reversible treatment (if you don’t like what you see, it can be reversed on the spot with the protein enzyme hyaluronidase)
  • Fast recovery (most patients can return to work the following day)
  • Precise, customizable chin contouring
  • Natural-looking, aesthetically pleasing results
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Artistry in Non-Surgical Chin Augmentation

Creating a natural-looking chin with injectable dermal fillers requires judgment, artistry, and technique. At NassifMD® MedSpa, you will receive custom-tailored treatment from highly trained professionals who have a deep understanding of the skin and facial structures and will employ high-quality, injectable fillers for treatment.

Improving the shape or projection of the chin can bring symmetry and balance to your features and enhance the appearance of your entire face. If you are unhappy with the appearance of your chin and would like to correct it without undergoing invasive surgery, schedule a consultation to find out if you are a candidate for non-surgical chin augmentation.

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