As the years pass, sun exposure and genetic factors can leave facial and body skin covered with sunspots or age spots. These spots begin to appear on almost any area of the body, leading people to invest in cosmetics or creams in an attempt to hide them.
Modern laser technology can now remove these spots, and restore a more youthful appearance to the face, hands, or other body part that has unsightly sun spots or age spots.
Why Do Age Spots Occur?
Age spots appear as darker tan, brown, or black spots, of varying sizes, typically appearing on the face, hands, shoulders, upper back and arms. Most age spots are harmless, and are simply areas of higher concentrations of skin pigment that have developed due to sun exposure and genetic factors. If your parents have developed sun spots, it is likely that you will too, even if you have consistently protected your skin from sun damage by applying sunscreen. Excessive exposure to the sun’s rays reduces the natural ability of the skin to repair itself. As it attempts to do so, a pigment called melanin is secreted – the body’s attempt to shield the skin from further damage.
Treating Sun Spots and Age Spots: The Options
At NassifMD® MedSpa, we have several advanced technologies we employ to treat and resolve age spots and sun spots for patients of any age. Our treatments include chemical peels, Hydrafacial, and medical grade skincare. Nothing brings us more professional satisfaction than seeing our patients looking 5 to 10 years younger after the treatment and recovery is completed.