Types of Rosacea

Rosacea has several subtypes, including:

Subtype 1

Facial Redness. This form of rosacea leads to facial flushing and a persistent red color on the face. In some cases, blood vessels may appear.

Subtype 2

Bumps, Pimples. In Subtype 2 rosacea, we find facial redness as well as bumps and pimples.

Subtype 3

Thickening Skin. This form of rosacea leads to a thickening of the skin, typically the nose, which may enlarge and become bumpy.

Subtype 4

Rosacea of the Eyes. In this subtype, the eyes become watery, bloodshot, irritated, and can burn and sting.

Treating Rosacea

Every person has a unique situation and level of the condition. A custom treatment must be developed to address each case. At NassifMD® MedSpa, we provide several different treatments for rosacea, including:

  • ProYellow Laser
  • Sensi Chemical Peel
  • Microneedling with PRP
  • Hydrafacial
  • Medical Grade Skincare

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